Letters to the Editor, Aug. 29, 2022
Jonah Goldberg’s piece on Trump’s leadership and charisma reeks of hypocrisy and epitomizes the left-wing mainstream media’s oft-used strategy to project upon conservatives the very hypocritical qualities they themselves hold (“The paradox of Trump’s charismatic leadership,” Aug. 23). Indeed, the same leftists who ignored or defended Hilary Clinton’s proven security breaches now immediately support the yet unproven allegations against Trump, and cast aspersions against anyone who questions the unprecedented and clearly politically motivate FBI raid.
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Paul Philip Willis
(As former President Trump is considering another run in 2024, it would seem the goal is to make him an impossible choice)
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Re “Sacked nurse desperate to return amid shortage” (Scott Laurie, Aug. 19): So, Sharon-Rose Nyambiya lost her job, her home, her car. She has a toddler and student loan debt. She prefers all that rather than getting the minimum two doses of vaccination. How selfish of her to now want to get her job back to “help.” As RNAO’s Doris Grinspun says, by coming back to work, she could make things worse. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She made her choice and now has to live with it.
T. Jacobs
(And it would seem she has to continue to live with that choice)
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My guiding principle in life is the character ethic. Today, too many Canadians live their lives without consideration for this. These days it seems to be ‘me first’ and ‘screw or be screwed.’ I wonder what percentage of our population under, say, 45 years old even knows what the character ethic is? Most politicians surely don’t use the character ethic as their guiding principle in their job or their life, otherwise a person like Justin Trudeau would have been asked to leave a few years ago.
Jim Miller
(Millions of Canadians still take into consideration the needs of others, the political class is one onto itself)
Just once I would like to see a manufacturer or distributor of products to come clean with the truth with labelling such as: ‘To all our loyal customers who have unselfishly supported us over many decades we have decided to sell you less for more money to satisfy our corporate greed. We thank you for future loyalty.’
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Sid Snider
Port Hope, Ont.
(That’s what is referred to as truth in advertising)
Hospitals are over-crowded, failing the needs of our society and falling apart in management and accountability. Long term care homes are understaffed and the beds in short supply. Whatever happened to all of those portable hospitals that were supposed to assist with the COVID patients? Perhaps it’s time to pull them back out of storage. These might also make physical working conditions less stressful within our dysfunctional systems.
Nancy Hird
(Creative thinking in our healthcare system is not something we can rely on our politicians to do)
Canada’s health-care system is disastrously falling apart. Of course it is, it’s a socialist system and all socialist systems will collapse. They always have and always will. People embracing socialism are like people who stick garbage food like donuts into themselves because they taste good while they’re eating them without any concern for diabetes and other illnesses they cause.
Ian Orwin
Walkerton, Ont.
(We needed reform in the system decades ago)