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Chinese Official Says U.S. ‘Making War’ While China ‘Makes Everything Else’

Chinese Official Says U.S. ‘Making War’ While China ‘Makes Everything Else’

A Chinese diplomat has criticized America, saying the U.S. “makes war” whereas China “makes everything else”.

The comments were made by Zhang Meifang, the Consul General of China in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

She also mocked a warship from Taiwan, which China considers a renegade province, which she described as a “museum piece”.

On Twitter Zhang posted a split photo with an armed soldier in the top half, and boxes marked “Made in China” below.

She wrote: “The #US makes war. #China makes most everything else. Who exactly is leading the world in the right direction?”

Just minutes earlier Zhang posted a tweet mocking one of Taiwan’s ships. Tensions are high between the two countries after a controversial visit from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

She posted two pictures of Taiwanese frigate ROCS Lan Yang, and compared it unfavorably with those in use by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

Zhang added: “This is #Taiwan warship under the nose of #PLA – a museum piece.

“Yet someone wishfully plans to realize “Taiwan independence” with that!”

The ROCS Lan Yang is a former U.S. Knox-class frigate, transferred into Chinese service.

Originally built between 1965 and 1974, they were withdrawn from the United States Navy in 1994.

Pelosi arrived in Taiwan late on Tuesday, the highest-level visit from the U.S. in 25 years.

The move infuriated Beijing, which responded by announcing four-days of live fire exercises around the island in six zones, several of which overlapped with Taiwanese territorial waters.

Taipei said the move amounted to a de-facto blockade, with its military warning they were “preparing for war without seeking war.”

On Saturday the Taiwanese ministry of defense said Chinese warships and aircraft, taking part in exercises appeared to simulate an attack on their island.

In a statement it said: “Multiple batches of Chinese communist planes and ships conducting activities around the Taiwan strait, some of which crossed the median line.”

The median line is the unofficial maritime border between China and Taiwan, and a frequent point of tension.

Speaking to the BBC on Friday Joseph Wu, the Taiwanese foreign minister, defended Pelosi’s “extremely significant” visit.

He added: “Taiwan has no jurisdiction over mainland China and the People’s Republic of China has no jurisdiction over Taiwan. That is the reality.”

A joint statement criticizing the Chinese military maneuvers was issued by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, along with his Japanese and Australian counterparts.

The three diplomats “expressed their concern about the People’s Republic of China’s recent actions that gravely affect international peace and stability, including the use of large-scale military exercises”.

Speaking in June, Admiral Philip Davidson, formerly the commander of American forces in the Pacific, warned that China must be prevented from “dictating the terms” of the Asia-Pacific region’s future.

Newsweek has contacted the White House and China and Taiwan’s foreign ministries for comment.

Chinese diplomat mocks Taiwanese warship on Twitter
Taiwanese military personnel stand in a line during the Han Kuang military exercise, which simulates China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) invading the island on July 27, 2022 in New Taipei City, Taiwan. A Chinese diplomat rocked one of the country’s warships as a “museum piece” on Twitter.
Annabelle Chih/GETTY

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