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Annual Sign Up Drive Around the Corner

Annual Sign Up Drive Around the Corner

This is just a reminder that our annual TPM membership sign up drive is coming up soon. If you’re already a member, it’s an opportunity for us to thank you once again for being part of our team and making everything we do possible. If you haven’t signed up, please take the opportunity to do so during our drive. It’s pretty cheap to join for a Prime membership, not much more than the cost of one snazzy cup of coffee per month. You get access to every article we publish along with fewer ads. You also support our work, our place in the media ecosystem and you help us do even more of it. So during our drive we’re going to be talking about what we do, how we consistently punch above our weight as an organization and have the freedom to cut through a lot of the cant, unjustified assumptions and misbegotten and outdated rules we can happily violate.

As part of this I’m going to be asking existing members what makes TPM a must-read for them, where does TPM fit into the political news ecosystem for you. So look forward to that. Thanks to existing members and if you’re considering joining please do so during our drive!

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