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2023 – I waited on God for direction – Plateau guber aspirant says

2023 – I waited on God for direction – Plateau guber aspirant says

By Chijioke Kingsley

Abuja (Sundiata Post) – A governorship aspirant in Plateau State, Mr. Kefas Ropshik, has said he embarked on praying and fasting before indicating interest to run for the number one seat in the State.

Ropshik, a philanthropists, popularly known as ‘Kefas’ is contesting under the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Speaking with journalists on Tuesday in Jos, Kefas said he waited to hear from God before making his intentions known.

“I am the last to declare my intention and this is because I was waiting on God through praying and fasting”, he said.

The philanthropists who prides himself as a youth, said he also joined the race to give hope to young people.

“I want the youths to know that they can make a difference. My aspiration will boost their confidence and hope knowing that as a youth you can contribute your quota to the development of the country.

“If given the opportunity to govern the State, I will invest in human capital development which is one sure way of building the youths to be leaders of tomorrow”, he said.

On the issue of insecurity, Kefas said the solution is to take policing back to the people at the grassroots level through community policing.

He said community policing will tackle issues that lead to crime such as unemployment, education or issues that require urgent interventions.

“I will mobilize chairmen of local government areas to take the responsibility of securing their communities and not to leave everything to security agencies alone”, he said.

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